JCCI Chapel Of Grace & Glory Join our livestream
Sunday 10:00am
Tuesday 7:00pm
scripture of the month Psalm 67:5-6 KJV
Let the people praise thee, O God; Let all the people praise thee.
Then shall the earth yield her increase; And God, even our own God, shall bless us.
Chapel of Grace & Glory

We are a church that believes in Jesus & loves God and people

We are a church that has a mission to raise an army of mature, rooted and grounded believers (through training), infuse the vision into them and release them to other parts of the world to do the same To pursue the vision via every available medium as the Lord leads and provides the means.
Joseph & Ranti Akiyode

Senior Pastors of JCCI MD

  • Fight For Your Mind!
    July 28, 2022
  • Supernatural Progress
    May 29, 2022
  • The Scriptural Reasons We Have To Be At Church In Person
    May 22, 2022
  • Abundant Life
    Mar 27, 2022
  • Attitude of Gratitude
    Aug 1, 2021
  • How to taste God and Know that He is Good
    feb 2, 2017
  • Led by Spirit
    feb 2, 2017
  • Everybody is Somebody
    feb 2, 2017

the gospel in actions


Need Prayer?
We’ll Pray For You!

Need prayer? We would love to pray for you. You can send us a message for prayer.
The Outlet

Get plugged in to an Outlet Group

The Outlet is our small group fellowships to plug every member of Jubilee into a place of friendship, fellowship, and discipleship. If you would like to join one send us a message and someone will get you plugged in.
Jubilee Bread of Life

“Grocery Giveaway”

We are giving away canned food and non perishable items to the community monthly! Call 301-559-5224 for details!

“I Am Victorious” Laura Holland, “I thank God for JCCI-MD and I mostly thank God for the servant of this house and his obedience to God to have Destiny & Prayer Conference every year. This year's was the best one yet! The prayers on Friday night have renewed my mind! My whole life I have wanted to be ordinary, like everyone else & to fit in. But I never fit in. I had mistaken identity in the world and made poor decisions trying to conform to the world. Now I know that I was not meant to be ordinary because I am extra-ordinary. I am rising like the sun--always shining, always relevant, untouchable because of Jesus Christ! I am only meant to fit in God's Kingdom. Growing up I never liked my name & a few months ago, I wanted to change my name to Victory. But Laura represents the embodiment of victory and strength. Laurel branches were given to winners in Greco-Roman games. I am victorious in Jesus' name. I am a winner in Jesus' name!!.” “ I first came to church when visiting my sister....” “Financial Provision” Merideth Davis, “I am so thankful for Pastor Joseph and Pastor Ranti for their faithfulness and leadership in their teachings. Pastor Joseph's teaching on Wisdom in times of Crisis, being obedient and praying whatever we have lost will be returned back to us. I am a 10 month employee with DCPS and received my last check for the school year on July 3. I have been asking the Lord for a blessing for August to cover my bills. I often thought to use my tithes and offerings for bills but I paid my tithes and offerings instead. July 30th I was checking my employee benefits and saw in the pay box a deposit for July 31st in the amount of $2,420.08 retroactive pay. To God be the Glory, I am so thankful for His blessing.” “ What drew me to church were the strong family relationships...” “Jesus My Permanent Healer” Shawdae Thorpe, “I would like to testify of God's healing power! For over 10 years I have dealt with an off and on health condition that can cause a lot of pain and anemia! Doctors wanted to do surgery but I didn’t feel peace w/ it so I decided enough was enough and went to the courts of heaven about my condition,! through fasting, prayer, and breaking generational curses I believed that I was instantly healed that day because the excruciating pain completely left me! I have kept track for the past 4 months and I am still healed to this day. I have none of the pain That I used to experience and all other issues of nausea, anemia are completely gone! Jesus is my permanent healer” “ We’ve never been part of a church that’s just getting started, so this is all new territory for us...” “Supernatural Internship Position” Justin Drummond, “ On the Anniversary sacrificial giving service, the Lord told me a specific amount to give and I really didn't want to do it, but as the Pastor spoke Psalm 126:5 "Those who sow in tears Shall reap in joy" and it convicted me to give. It was painful to sow, but I could visualize the reaping in my mind and I gave the exact amount. About a week later I got an email for a work from home internship position that I never applied for after all my other offers either got rejected or canceled due to COVID-19” “ God is alive and can be found at work in Church ...” “The Miracle of Salvation” Elijah Sanchez “ Thanking God for preservation of life.”
Book of the Month

“How Faith Works

The taste of the pudding is in the eating. You have to read this book “HOW FAITH WORKS” to enjoy David Ibiyeomie’s sincerity and simplicity in presentation.

The insights are enriching and thought provoking. You can become a faith giant. Faith is a master key to every man’s destiny. It is not by luck, it is by faith. “The just shall live by his faith”. (Habakkuk 2:4).
Book of the Month

“Loyalty: The Reach of the Noble Heart

This book sounds a bold call for loyalty to God and to God’s Davids. Knowing the power of loyalty to produce Kingdom blessing at every level, Satan has done everything in his power to give this subject a bad reputation. But now, more than ever, the bride of Christ is giving her heart with intense loyalty to her Beloved.

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